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Projects > Evidence of projects > Left panel > Project views

Project views

Views (known as filters to some) are user-defined settings that specify what projects the user wants to view.

At the top are the predefined views and below them are the user-defined views.

The predefined views apply to the rights of the logged-in user. We have the following options:

  • My projects - these are projects in which the logged-in user is a member,
  • Managed projects - these are projects where the logged-in user is an administrator,
  • All projects - these are the projects that the logged-in user has the right to. That is, not only those of which they are a member, but also those to which they have the right because the project is visible or they have the right of supervisor of the company or workspace in which the projects are.

We divide user-defined views into 2 main categories:

  • My - these are user-defined views that only the user can see,
  • Company - these are user-defined views, defined by the company administrator, which are stored in the company and, according to the settings, can be seen by other members of the company. The following types of views can be stored on the company:
    • Internal users only - this view is shown only to internal users of the company,
    • Internal and external users - this view is displayed to both internal and external users of the company.


Create a new view by pressing the "New view" button. In the displayed dialog box we then edit the view settings we have the following options available:

  • Company - we define the company for which we want to display the projects. The option of all companies is also available, but this will limit the menu for other settings. Logically, only those options that are available in all companies (standard data) are available,
  • Workspace - we define the workspace from which we are interested in projects,
  • Name - define the name of the project we want to filter,
  • Conditions - we can create a combination of multiple conditions that more narrowly specify specific projects. Both standard project data and company or workspace specific data (project attributes) are available,
  • SLA - filter only projects where SLA is active,
  • Other options - since projects can be archived and we don't show them by default, we can include these projects in the filtering by checking the "Including archived projects" option. There is also an option to filter only favourite projects


After setting the view in the dialog box, press the "Apply view" button. The applied view will appear at the top of the left panel in a black box. After checking the data, i.e. the list of projects, based on the applied view, we can still edit the view or save it if necessary. We save the view by pressing the "Save view" button and in the following dialog box we select one of the view types - mine, company internal users only, company internal and company external users (explained in the article above).


After saving a view, the view is available in the list of all views by category. Individual views can be marked as favorites (star icon), thus editing the list of views the user is interested in. If there is at least 1 view marked as favourite, then the option for favourite views is automatically enabled - the star icon of the category.

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