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Meetings > About meetings > Detail of the meeting > Other evidence of meetings

Other evidence of meetings

In the right part, next to the meeting items, we find a place in which we can view several evidences from the project that we need to discuss in the meeting, we have the following options available:

  • Tasks to react - default option, these are tasks that are waiting for the project or team in which the meeting is created to react,
  • Management tasks - these are the management tasks of the project or team in which the meeting is created,
  • Project tasks (applies to project meetings only) - these are project tasks belonging to the project in which the meeting is created,
  • Documents - displays the document directory structure of the project or team in which the meeting is created,
  • Activities - this is where any changes that have been made from this meeting are recorded. In order for these activities to be recorded, the meeting must be in the "Processing" state. Activity is also written if a task is opened from this location and a change is made to it.

Depending on the selected evidence, we have tools available in the header of this section of the meeting details for:

  • Filtering tasks - all evidences related to tasks,
  • Task sorting - all evidences related to tasks,
  • Switching on the total row - all evidences related to tasks,
  • Creating a new task - applies only to management tasks and project tasks evidences,
  • New folder and document - applies only to the documents evidence.
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