By a new event we mean a standard meeting, team meeting or project meeting. To create a new event, either press the new button or double-click in the calendar area.
In the displayed dialog box you need to fill in:
- Event name,
- Event type - this is either an ordinary event or a team or project meeting,
- Event start and end,
- Event settings - several options are available:
- All day - valid for all day events,
- Recurrence - this is the case when we want to create an event order, i.e. a regularly recurring event,
- Recurrence - the option that appears if we set the event as recurring. In this dialog box, we set the recurring events in more detail,
- Select team or project (in case of a meeting) - we select the company and the team or project in which we want to create the meeting,
- Selection of meeting attendees (in case of a project or team meeting) - this is a selection from the members of the project or team,
- Event description - a manual description of the event.
WARNING: the ALITEO application is not a mail server and therefore the event organizer needs to synchronize his calendar with one of the providers mentioned above in order to create the event. Otherwise there is no place to create the event and therefore no place to invite other participants.